Derek still gets around by army crawling, going on 3 months of that. On Sunday he got up on his knees for the first time! He's starting to figure them out.
Speaking of trains, Derek LOVES Elliott's trains. It's hard to have Derek around when Elliott wants to play with his Trax. This time I decided to make a track just for Derek. Notice how he races over to the track when the train starts going. This was the second time I turned on the train. He moved twice as fast the first time. He loves to watch the trains go, but he really likes to grab them and eventually destroy the track. It's all fun!
He found the VCR the other day (before he figured out his knees). He was pulling himself up and hitting the flap of the VCR and having lots of fun.
Here's Derek standing up. He loves standing. The first few times we stood him up at the couch he would get a huge grin and laugh. He knew he was cool. He still thinks it's pretty fun.
Did you notice a theme in the last 3 pictures? Derek loves sticking out his tongue.
Derek loves to feed himself. I didn't think kids were supposed to do that at 9 months! Sure I understand feeding himself Cheerios, bananas, crackers, stuff of that sort, but cereal? Come on! He insists on grabbing the spoon and putting it in his own mouth. Fortunately he lets me help him scoop the food and put it in. But it's definitely messier. He's a good eater though, so I can't complain. I just started him on 3rd foods and he enjoys it. When Elliott tried them, he gagged all the time. He never did eat that stuff. Hopefully I get to experience what it's like to have a good eater with Derek - so far so good.
Here's a video by Elliott of Derek feeding himself. I think you can get a feel for it even though my hand is in the way.
The videos are so fun! Derek is growing up so fast.