Sunday, July 1, 2012

4 months old

Preston is 4 months old already!  How the time is flying.  He is a big boy, weighing in at 13 lbs 14 oz and measuring 26 1/2 inches long.  Preston has the most adorable smile.  We all love to make him laugh.  The boys had him going for a while tonight.  It was super cute.  He is pretty mild-mannered.  He does great at night.  He has been waking up once during the night, usually around 2 or 3, but the last several days he has gone all night, until about 5:30.  He's in bed between 6:30 and 7 every night.  It's wonderful.  I'm hoping that trend continues.  He usually wakes up happy.  I often wake up to the sound of him sucking on his hands.  He's not the best napper, but I take what I can get.  He does do well when we're out.  When I know he's tired, if I put him in his car seat and cover him up, he goes to sleep without much fuss.  It's really nice.  I still find myself putting off things that need to be done around the house to sit and play with or just watch Preston.  He is an absolute joy to all of us.  The boys love to talk to him and play with him.  Preston has torticollis, as did Derek.  We're hoping to avoid getting a helmet. His head isn't nearly as flat as Derek's was.  He has been getting physical therapy for almost 2 months to help strengthen and stretch his neck, as well as to help him learn other skills.  He isn't rolling over yet, although he is rolling to his sides now.  He loves chewing on things, especially his burp cloth.  He has been extra fussy the past couple weeks, so he's probably teething.  It would be nice to have something to show for all the pain - hopefully soon.  Preston started eating food about a week ago.  So far he's not really a fan.  We'll keep trying.

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  1. Preston is so cute! Glad you are enjoying these precious times with him while he is so small.

  2. Such a cutie! Continue to avoid house work in favor of a cute baby...definitely the best choice! :) And thanks for all the other updates! Sounds like the boys are excelling all around and that's awesome.

  3. Preston weighed 14 lbs 14 oz today at the doctor's office. I'm not sure how he gained an entire pound in the last 2 weeks.
