Monday, May 18, 2009


So, it's kind of old news, but Brent finished his first year of the MBA program and finally was able to get an internship! Hooray! Congrats, Brent! He started his internship last Monday with Beneficial Financial doing Fixed Income Analysis (aka researching bonds that the company has invested in). He was really blessed to get this internship because it goes along perfectly with what he wants to do when he finishes school - investment research. Basically it's the same thing except he'd prefer to research equities (stocks) instead. Out of all the internships he interviewed for or even applied to, this one is really the best match. He was very fortunate. They pretty much just threw him into research - they said here's an example, now do your own. That's it! He has really impressed them so far. They have been impressed with how good his research is. He's a natural. He takes the bus to Salt Lake every day, so we all get to get up early and take him to the bus station and pick him up in the evening. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.

I was really hoping to be somewhere other than Utah for the summer, but we're staying, so now I've got to figure out fun things to do.


  1. So glad to hear it's going well!

  2. I was talking to my friend on the way home from UT and she gave me some fun ideas of things to do in UT. She used to live there. Remind me to pass them on!

  3. Yea for Brent--that's so awesome. At least in Utah it won't be such a hot summer. Good luck finding fun stuff to do, you're good at that so I'm sure it won't be a problem =).

  4. Yeah for Brent, that is awesome. Come play with us this summer--it's free :)

  5. I know, Utah is pretty drab! :) Hey, I'm glad you're here, too bad I will be gone most of the summer! I think I might be able to work out a play date with all of the kids after we get back late July, early August. Keep in touch through email and the blog so that I know what is happening and when we get closer we can plan something.

  6. I'm so glad Brent got this internship and hopefully the economy next year will be more promising and allow him to get a job in your dream local!! As for things to do, you should totally get Seven Peaks Season passes! That's what I'd do if we were staying here and I know many people who are glad they did!
