Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa's Elves

On Thursday Elliott had his preschool Christmas program. He did a great job saying his line and singing all the songs. Those have got to be the cutest bunch of elves!


  1. I'm glad you started this, it will be fun to follow you fun!

  2. so fun that you started this! i'm excited to keep up with your darling family! Merry Christmas!xoxo,heather

  3. are you kidding me? I can't believe your web address for your blog--I was cracking up before I even read the blog. Fun/cute blog--can't wait to read more about the 'other' Walkers :)

  4. Dawnia! I love your new blog... I know what you mean about doing nothing, what a fitting title. Although sometimes it is more like everything and nothing all at the same time! ☺ I am so glad to see cute pics of Derek and Elliott, they are so big and such cute boys! It seems that Elliott doesn't mind the snow at all! I wondered how your first winter outside of Vegas would go... He looks like he loves it! We miss you guys and hope you are enjoying this Christmas season, take care!

  5. Yeah for another blog! I love these videos of Elliott. Too cute! Can't wait to see more. Have a very merry Christmas!!
